Flowzone Sprayer

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FlowZone’s Rechargeable Sprayers


FlowZone sprayers are unique battery-powered sprayers designed to complete work quickly and efficiently. Offering pump-free spraying, FlowZone sprayers are available in backpacks and rollers to accommodate various garden setups, from indoor grows and greenhouses to large-scale outdoor farms. Originally designed to keep silica dust at bay, FlowZone sprayers have become the cultivator’s choice thanks to the removable rechargeable battery PSI ranges up to 115 that reach even the biggest plants.

The lithium-ion battery offers a long battery life combined with a high pump flow rate and adjustable options to control pressure. Growers appreciate that you don’t have to move your sprayer to an outlet in order to charge – simply remove the battery, charge it, and pop it back in. Each sprayer comes with different nozzles to accommodate the preferred spray pattern, as well as a removable wand for those hard-to-reach areas.

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Perfect for Biologicals Too


Biologicals work great with FlowZone sprayers. In fact, we recommend growers use the variable sprayer (Typhoon 2V) because it turns down to 8 pounds of pressure, making it gentler on biologicals. You can be sure this sprayer will never chew up any essential organisms thanks to the diaphragm pump design.

J Distributing offers different styles, from the four-gallon backpack sprayer with different speeds and pressure settings to the nine-gallon rolling sprayer for bigger jobs. Additional batteries, extension hose, and replacement parts are also available.


See all the different types of FlowZone sprayers available below

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